Monday, September 12, 2011

Kicking and Screaming

We quote Jeremiah 29:11 throughout our daily lives and we know the meaning and purpose that verse serves but yet does it have the affect on us that it should have? The truth is . . when something in our lives takes a turn for the worst or doesn't go as we planned . . . Jeremiah 29:11 is the last thing on our minds. We try to fix it, avoid it, change it, dress it up, or deal with it on our own and completely push God out of the equation. We don't want to recognize that maybe this awful thing we are going through is actually part of God's plan for our lives . . and it actually serves a purpose. Not only do we not want to recognize it but the last thing we want . . is God to take over and lead the way. Soceity is convinced that they can handle the problems the world throws at them but they can't! In fact, you can only find comfort through God and definetly through Jeremiah 29:11. So why do we constantly turn away from the thing that can bring us true joy and peace? Fear. Fear of being seen for who we really are, fear of rejection, fear of exposure. But God rejecting you is just a myth and exposure is the only way to forgiveness . . . recognizing when we do wrong and asking for forgiveness leads to healing and peace. So next time your world is flipped upside down, instead of taking the wide road, try the narrow road to life. Open up your Bible and meditate on the true meaning of Jeremiah 29:11 and let your spirit overflow with truth and love.

Monday, September 5, 2011

Happy Birthday to My Best Friend and Sister in Christ Hannah Harkness(:

Tomorrow is a special day for my best friend Hannah because it's her 16th birthday and I'm so happy for her! So, I just wanted to dedicate this post to her because she is so so so special to me and I love her! This girl has been by my side always there for me for an awesome 7 months and I don't know where I would be without her! She is such an inspiration to me and she keeps me on track on my walk with Christ. I feel so blessed to have a friend that I can call at any time, any where and she will listen to me vent for as long as I need to .. . that's what I call friendship! She gives the best advice mainly because it's always from God and she's always honset and is not afraid to tell me when I'm wrong. She's real and I know I can count on her and I know she will be in my life forever and ever as my best friend. Because our lives are like trees and people come and go and they are the leaves . . but the people who stay in your life and make the most impact are the roots and I'm proud to say that Hannah Harkness is a root in my life. I'm glad that I can call her sister and mean it with every fiber of my being because even though she's younger then me . . I look up to her as my role model . . she's strong, faithful, and just full of sunshine and an example of what we should all strive to be . . a proverbs 31 woman. So as I close this up I just want to say, Hannah I hope you have the most wonderful 16th birthday ever and many more to come and I love you and thanks for being my sister!:) God Bless.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Hurricanes and Love Unrestrained

As most of the East Coast knows . . Hurricane Irene decided to delight us with her presence this week. We were not expecting Irene to impact us as much as she did but she did however give me a new perspective on natural disastors. When we think of "natural disastors" we think of rain, wind, trees falling, and especially no power! But try applying this new perspective and I think you might find that hurricanes are not as evil as they may seem. Irene showed me just how powerful God really is . . . how he can move the oceans and the wind and sometimes completely turn peoples lives upside down. People get angry and upset by natural disastors . . but save your anger . . and find pleasure in knowing just how powerful your God really is.

Friday, August 19, 2011

To My Dearest Sister Hannah Marie Harkness

I'm sorry I forgot to do my devotions last night so I thought I would post tonights on here to make up for it. So I've been reading in James and this verse stuck out for me; James 3:17 "So you see, it isn't enough just to have faith. Faith that doesn't show itself by good deeds is no faith at all- it is dead and useless." So it just kind of reminds me that faith without action is dead . . it's pointless to claim to be faithful but don't put it into action. It's like saying "I love you" but not really meaning it. Faith and action comes as a package . . you can't have one without the other. Sooooo there's my devo for tonight. Thank you for being the best sister in Christ/best friend ever! I love you:)

Discovering the Mission

"Discovering the Mission"; a three word phrase that has so much meaning behind it. Not a mission where you are finding gold or treasures for yourself or trying to complete a task before the time runs out; but instead I think of "missions" as unlocking a whole new perspective on life and purpose. defines missions as "a group or committee of persons sent to a foreign country to conduct negotiations, establish relations, provide scientific and technical assistance". While this is true, missions is so much more than going to far away places doing amazing things. I've had the priveldge this summer to go to a week long camp to learn what missions really is. The first day our leader asked my group what missions means to us and most answered "going to foreign lands doing God's work". Now, that week we didn't go to another country, we actually went right down the road to a local nursing home, childrens center, and orphanage to visit, entertain, work, and share God's love. Each day every person was changed a little bit and the definition of missions was clarified. At the end of the week our leader asked us the same question as he did when we first started, what was our definition of missions. Missions is doing anything, anywhere to show God's love to everyone. I see missions as a way of giving back and fufilling the commission that God has planned for all of our lives. So whether you are in China or right at home you can show God's love and give back in many ways. So I challenge you, go out and be a missionary wherever you are, show God's love, and strive every day to do the commission of Christ.

Mark 16:15 "He said to them, "Go into all the world and preach the good news to all creation."

James 1:22 "Do not merely listen to the word, and so deceive yourselves. Do what it says."

1 Peter 4:16 "However, if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name."

1 Timothy 4:12 "Don’t let anyone look down on you because you are young, but set an example for the believers in speech, in conduct, in love, in faith and in purity."

Saturday, May 14, 2011

Stuck in Limbo

One of the worst feelings has to be going through the part of your life where your not sure where your going and life is just . . bland and boring. Well I guess you could say I'm going through a 'limbo stage' . . . everything's coming to an end for the year and I'm just bored out of my mind. The worst part is not knowing where your going . . what God has planned for your life or which direction you take next. Sometimes it feels like no one is on your side and you have no one to turn to, no where to go, and no one to talk to. Life just feels pointless and nothing really makes you happy anymore. We all feel that sometimes. But God watches over His children and He promises joy. That doesn't mean easy, but it does mean possible. Yes you will face challenges in your life but God only puts them there to make you stronger and ready to face what lies ahead for you. Everything you do or go through is meant to glorify Him. So you may be going through a challenge right now . . and that challenge may be feeling like your stuck in limbo . . . but our God is a loving God who promises joy in exchange for our obedience. If we follow His will and His plan . . then I can promise you without a doubt that you will have the most amazing, purposeful life beyond your wildest dreams and one day you can proudly look back and say that you have lived a good life even through the stages of limbo. It won't be easy, but It'll be worth it in the end.
"The Lord your God is a faithful God who for a thousand generations keeps His promises"
-Deuteronomy 7:9

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Untitled Message

I could have called this one of the worst days . . . . but hey I think I'll take this challenge and this day and turn it into an opportunity. An opportunity to change things and glorify God through it.